Day 12: Tife.

Tife what color are your eyes?
I know you’ll say you don’t know, but I do.
I’ve looked at you so much that I have memorized every detail of your face.
If someone woke me up to ask what the color of your eyes are, I would give a detailed response;
Tife, your eyes are brown,
A light caramel brown, with flecks of dark brown shining in them,
It’s like a prism- those eyes.
They twinkle when you are mischievous,
And there’s a crinkle that forms by the corner of your eyes when you smile.
Tife did you even know that you smile with your entire face?
When you smile, your dimples burrow deep into your cheeks and your entire face lights up.
All of you smiles, when you smile my love.
And it’s not even just your smile for me. Tife you are larger than life- your personality, all of you, you are larger than life.
If someone walked up to me and said “describe Tife in a sentence”,
I’d tell them you are the brown eyed boy who lights everything up with his beautiful smile.